
Welcome to our Team Page

Team 25 - Git Gremlins

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Meet the Team

Name Github About
Andrew Andrewphanguyen 3rd year CS major from San Diego
Kevin radiomediocre 3rd year Math-CS major from Canada
Chris ChEdwards492 3rd year CE major from Los Angeles
Bobby BobbyYuuu 3rd year Math-CS major from San Francisco
Sonya KimSeongah 3rd year CS major from South Korea
Kai kaiwoessner 2nd year CE major from San Diego
Sahana sahananar 3rd year Data Science major from the Bay Area
Derek dklopstein 3rd year Math-CS major from Bakersfield, California
Nathan NathanD0wd 2nd year Computer Science major, Philosophy minor from Virginia
Justin jjustinyyang 2nd year Computer Science major from San Diego/Taiwan