
Git Gremlins

Developer Journal Web App

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Developer Journal



In today’s digital age, maintaining a productive lifestyle and balancing mental wellness poses a significant challenge. Traditional methods, such as carrying a physical journal, are becoming outdated and inconvenient. The Developer Journal by Team 25: Git Gremlins, is a web application designed to address these challenges by providing an integrated, efficient, and accessible solution for managing personal productivity and mental health.

Problem Statement

Our project aims to solve the following problems:


The Developer Journal offers a comprehensive suite of features to help users manage their daily productivity and mental wellness effectively:


  1. Journaling:
    • Daily entries stored with timestamps
    • Easy retrieval and review of past entries
  2. Sentiment and Productivity Rating:
    • Users rate their daily mood and productivity
    • Ratings stored with corresponding journal entries
  3. Task Management:
    • Simple task creation and management
    • Tasks can be marked as completed, edited, or deleted
    • Completed tasks linked to the day they were accomplished
  4. Calendar:
    • View past journal entries, tasks, and ratings
    • Calendar displays a summary of past activities and sentiments

Technical Features

Non-Functional Features


To install the journal app, simply clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone

No additional dependencies are required. You can then open the homepage.html file in your web browser to locally use the journal.


If you’d like to contribute to this project, feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests through GitHub. Please follow our Contributing Guidelines.


This journal app was created by Git Gremlins.

Name Github
Andrew Andrewphanguyen
Kevin radiomediocre
Chris ChEdwards492
Bobby BobbyYuuu
Sonya KimSeongah
Kai kaiwoessner
Sahana sahananar
Derek dklopstein
Nathan NathanD0wd
Justin jjustinyyang